The brief for the Shop-house and Public Room proposal asked us to develop a design for a mixed-used, medium scale building in the centre of Burleigh Heads. The site is positioned so that the Northern end is embedded within the vibrant and busy commercial zone, while the opposite end connects onto the quiet and more private residential area. The requirements for the proposal were to incorporate eight tenancies with each having a residence directly attached. Additionally, a public room (external or semi-internal), loading bay and toilet facilities were to be included in the proposal. For this design, I wanted to achieve a market space environment which encouraged pedestrian traffic to flow throughout the site. Another concept that was brought into my design was the integration of vegetation. I aimed to incorporate both built environment and organic elements to create a space that unifies the development within its surroundings and capturing the aura that Burleigh Heads holds. Furthermore, a series of patterns and principles were extracted from Christopher Alexander's A Pattern Language and applied within the proposal.